SECOWEB™-XL is an Excel-based application to map and analyze data directly from ECOM Controllers.

SECOWEB™-XL allows users to map live data from ECOM and SECOWEB™ D.C.M. devices directly into an Excel spreadsheet-based application so that they can use vast functions of an Excel spreadsheet for analytics.


With secoweb-XL, users can monitor live data from ECOM Controllers in an Excel-based spreadsheet. Users can import live data and create advanced analytics based on their preferences and needs.

Each Excel Sheet will be identified with a unique controller name. Easily view and monitor each control by selecting the corresponding sheet / controller name.

Track Controller Data in MS Excel

Easily view and monitor live controller data by selecting the corresponding sheet and controller name.

Monitor multiple controllers at one time. Each sheet will contain the point type data of the corresponding controller and updated at specific intervals as defined by the user.

Monitor Controllers

Monitor multiple controllers simultaneously. Each sheet will contain the point data for the corresponding controller which is updated at user defined time intervals.


  • Live data mapping
  • Supports all controllers in ECOM family
  • Supports BACnet/SNMP/Modbus
  • Configurable mapping data intervals
  • Controller health monitoring